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Save Money on Austin, TX Auto Repairs with Our Online Specials

Savings start here, take advantage of ATL Total Car Care South Austin’s online specials and save cash on your vehicle’s repair and maintenance. We are proud to support our community and offer discounts to first responders, medical professionals, teachers, and all military active and retired. Contact us to learn more!


ATL Total Car Care

Front or Rear Brake Ceramic Pads Replacement with Maintenance Inspection

This involves replacing worn ceramic brake pads on either the front or rear wheels and includes a thorough inspection of your vehicle’s brake system for optimal performance and safety.

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$129.99 per axle

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ATL Total Car Care

Fall Oil Change Special

$49.99 Full Synthetic up to 5 qts and regular filter. $29.99 synthetic blend up to 5 qts and regular filter. Promo is for up to 5 qts of oil and regular filter only. Extra charges apply over 5 qts and cartridge filter. Promo offer does not apply to European or Diesel Vehicles. Pricing does not include shop fees or taxes.

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Full Synthetic up to 5 qts and regular filter


Synthetic blend up to 5 qts and regular filter

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ATL Total Car Care

Oil Change & Filter

Up to 5 qts Synthetic blend oil with spin on filter, canister filter add’l, shop & disposal fee add’l. Full Synthetic add’l $20.00 See store for details.

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ATL Total Car Care

Fuel System Cleaning Service

*SUVs & minivans extra, fuel filter add’l. Helps reduce emissions, save costly repairs. See store for details.

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ATL Total Car Care

Summer Special

SUVs & mini vans extra, fuel filter add’l. Oil change includes up to 5 qts of Synthetic blend and standard filter (canister filter add’l, full Synthetic add’l $20.00), tire rotation, brake inspection, preventative maintenance check, 2 free wiper blades (in stock only). See store for details.

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ATL Total Car Care

Radiator Fluid Exchange

Complete exchange of coolant. Replace with up to 2 gallons anti-freeze. Some manufacturer specified fluid add’l. See store for details.

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ATL Total Car Care

Oil Change Special

For ALL school, medical and first responder personnel, veterans, and students.

Promo is for up to 5 qts of oil and regular filter only. Extra charges apply over 5 qts and cartridge filter. Promo offer does not apply to European or Diesel Vehicles. Pricing does not include shop fees or taxes.

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Synthetic Blend


Full Synthetic

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Drive in for a Free Estimate Today!