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Your Trusted Auto Maintenance Team in Austin, TX

Maintenance and repair responsibilities are a key part of being a car owner. You can extend the lifespan of your vehicle with regular quality maintenance. As an ATL Total Car Care Center, ATL Total Car Care South Austin strives to help vehicle owners protect their investment with comprehensive regularly scheduled services. We help you make every mile count.

Handsome auto service workers

Preventative Auto Maintenance to Avoid Costly Repairs

Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance is the defining factor in avoiding major unexpected auto repairs. The manufacturer of your vehicle has set certain mileage intervals that can guide you to key inspections, replacements, and repairs. Those can vary between car bards and makes but can be an indispensable tool to keep your vehicle performing at its best. If you need assistance with determining when your vehicle is due for a tune-up drop by or schedule an appointment for service. Our friendly and professional technicians will be happy to help. Furthermore, we carry top brand name products like Bosch™ batteries, at some of the most competitive prices, for your convenience.

Drive in for a Free Estimate Today!