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Trustworthy Brake Services in Austin, TX

Whether you’re hitting the highway or cruising through Austin, TX brakes are essential to keeping you and other drivers safe on the road. The expert technicians at ATL Total Car Care South Austin specialize in comprehensive brake repairs and replacements. Ensuring your vehicle’s braking system functions perfectly to boost your car’s performance and provide peace of mind for you and your family. The best brake maintenance can make a difference when coming to a stop and controlling your vehicle. We strive to keep your brakes in excellent condition, providing reliable service and quality parts every time. Trust us to keep your vehicle running smoothly and braking safely.

Car service procedure

Keeping You and Your Vehicle Safe on the Road

It’s important to always stay vigilant for any warning signs that your brakes need attention. If you have any doubts or concerns, bring your vehicle to our shop for a thorough inspection and test drive. Our expert mechanics excel in identifying brake problems and potential safety issues in other critical areas of your vehicle, including the transmission, shocks, struts, tires, and wheels. Contact us for any brake-related concerns to request your free estimate.

technician inspecting brakes

Regularly Have Your Brakes Inspected

Safety always comes first, and regular brake inspections are crucial to maintaining your vehicle’s safety and performance. We recommend having your brakes inspected and possibly replaced every 25,000-45,000 miles for smaller vehicles and every 20,000-30,000 miles for larger vehicles and trucks. There are several signs that it’s time for a brake check, including:

  • Your vehicle drifts to the left or right while driving down the road.
  • Any unusual noises coming from the brakes while braking or driving.
  • The brake warning light appears on your dashboard.
  • It becomes difficult to press your brake pedal, or it rests low on the floorboard.
  • There is a grabbing feeling when you press on the brakes.

Schedule Your Brake Services Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late when it comes to your brakes. Keep them in prime condition to keep you and others safe on the road. Call our expert technicians to schedule a comprehensive brake service, where we will use top-quality parts to keep you on the road. Book your appointment online or over the phone to experience the confidence of driving with optimal brakes. Your safety is our highest priority. Get your free estimate today.

Drive in for a Free Estimate Today!